John 17 - How Jesus Said to Glorify God

This whole blogging thing has been a great idea. It's therapeutic in a way, so if you're reading this, thanks for being a part of my own therapy during this crazy time. Things are fun in the Millard household. We have actually taken to being quarantined pretty well. Aubrey is a fantastic cook and has been experimenting with new recipes. It's been a blast. I'm a double-extravert, so some days my mind goes a bit numb from not being around people. Overall, things are fantastic. The COVID-19 fiasco has hit us a bit financially, but not nearly as much as I anticipated. It feels to us more like a mediocre sales month rather than a global economic downturn. God provides. That's always been the case, and it always will be. We are SUPER thankful for that. (Philippians 4:19) One constant theme over the past few day has been how our job as Christians is to "glorify" God. I've been thinking a lot about this and really wanting to know what "glory...