To Be Christian is to Obey Christ

I'm not one to be a consistent content creator, but I found this blog recently and couldn't help but drum it back up. God has been hitting me with this topic as of late, and I truly wanted to free-write (somewhat) my thoughts. God has really developed my convictions regarding obedience. Obedience seems to be on every page of the Bible, Christ's teaching, and my quiet times lately. Jesus came to the earth in obedience, demonstrated what obedience to God looks like, and then willingly died on a tree - all out of complete devotion to His father. Let's state what should be the obvious - complete devotion to Jesus is complete devotion to obeying Him. We cannot separate the two. One who claims to recognize Jesus Christ as the radiance of the Glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature (Hebrews 1) and who claims to believe that they have fallen short of that glory, and thus deserving of death just as every man / woman since Adam / Eve was deserving, (Genesis 3, Romans ...