
It's been a bit since the creation of this blog and there hasn't been a traditional post in a while. My wife had her women's prayer breakfast this morning (Ladies in Columbus, check it out here ), so I play with our little girl and let my mind wander. Due to a few current events in our lives, I've spent the last few months meditating on the question, "What does the Christian life look like." I wouldn't have phrased it that way in the beginning, but I now realize it's the question I've been asking, or at least should have been asking, all along. I'll get to this in a minute, but to give context, I'd like to explain how the Columbus Bible Study got started in the first place, and how it has caused me to consider these things. A Quick History Lesson . . . Just before COVID hit, we had a bible study with a handful of guys studying the life of Peter: who he was and what attributes about him seemed to be the cause (or at least the att...